Monday, July 14, 2014

TV in Reality

My mom and I have started watching a couple of new shows. One of them is called Chasing Life. It's really good so far. The content is really hard for me at times, considering the fact that the main character and my grandfather both have cancer. It makes me realize how hard it was for him to tell us.
Another show we watch is called Perception. The main character's father has Alzheimer's. My great grandmother does as well. I am seeing some things that help me understand the disease a little better.
Seeing these... It does not automatically make it okay in my life. But it's helping me deal with certain aspects. It also makes me sad though because I just want to be there for my grandfather. My great gramma doesn't even remember me or my siblings.
The two situations are actually opposites really. One body is going and the other person's mind is going. It is difficult for me to see these things happen in my life. I just want them to get better. I know Alzheimer's is irreversible, and the cancer has a slim to no chance of remission.
Maybe these shows will help me understand things going on in my life that I have no ability to help or control.

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